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Cut Panel Inspection

We supply people for Cut Panel Inspection according to production requirements. A work supervisor is also provided when requested by the client.

CPI services provided are as bellow.

  • Recutting- Under number to number

  • Color shading checking

  • Replacing rejected panels with good and acceptable panels

  • Stain removing - Stain removing is done by contamination removing, Paint touchups for printed fabric, Recutting the panel etc… The tools used in this process are Heat guns,Paints,Twissors etc...

The required chemicals should be provided by the client.

  • Embellishment Work

    An embellishment is something that adds a design value to the garment.

  • Garment repairing

    Garments may have various defects due to various reasons like stains

  • Fabric layering

    We provide manpower for manual fabric layering.

  • Garment packing

    We provide personnel for garment packing services according to your packing instructions.

  • Fusing and Heat sealing

    We provide machine operators for heat sealing and fusing.

  • Bowing and Skewness

    In the process of cutting in garment industry Bowing and Skewness are major issues

  • Consulting the buying office

    We offer negotiation services for consulting and discussing with the buying office

  • Cut Panel Inspection

    We supply people for Cut Panel Inspection.

  • Color Segregation

    Fabric rolls may have roll to roll or within the roll color variations.

  • Collar Inspection

    Collar is a critical component in most of the garments. Collars should be in perfect quality...

  • Embroidery

    We provide operators for embroidery machines.

  • Fabric Inspection

    Fabric inspection is done according to 4 point and 1:9 international systems.